ATS software casestudy


I got the first hand chance to use widely available ATS softwares and came across a bunch of issues. Being a product designer, I wanted to pick up problems that I came across for a passion project rather than another revamp of a popular product.

Thus, Reecroot was born.

Modern ATS softwares are bloated, expensive and not customisable. During my user interviews HR's, who are the primary users of these products, were more than willing to spend time customising career pages to better reflect their brand. While large companies can afford allocating tech resources to get this done, it's not often the case for smaller companies.

For Reecroot, I interviewed and worked on the most common user problems. I have designed the software to be less bloated, more natural with just enough customisation abilities that the pricing can be competitive to ATS softwares in the market.

I have build this product end-to-end in 45 days including user reasearch. Below are a few snapshots of the features.

I got the first hand chance to use widely available ATS softwares and came across a bunch of issues. Being a product designer, I wanted to pick up problems that I came across for a passion project rather than another revamp of a popular product.

Thus, Reecroot was born.

Modern ATS softwares are bloated, expensive and not customisable. During my user interviews HR's, who are the primary users of these products, were more than willing to spend time customising career pages to better reflect their brand. While large companies can afford allocating tech resources to get this done, it's not often the case for smaller companies.

For Reecroot, I interviewed and worked on the most common user problems. I have designed the software to be less bloated, more natural with just enough customisation abilities that the pricing can be competitive to ATS softwares in the market.

I have build this product end-to-end in 45 days including user reasearch. Below are a few snapshots of the features.

I got the first hand chance to use widely available ATS softwares and came across a bunch of issues. Being a product designer, I wanted to pick up problems that I came across for a passion project rather than another revamp of a popular product.

Thus, Reecroot was born.

Modern ATS softwares are bloated, expensive and not customisable. During my user interviews HR's, who are the primary users of these products, were more than willing to spend time customising career pages to better reflect their brand. While large companies can afford allocating tech resources to get this done, it's not often the case for smaller companies.

For Reecroot, I interviewed and worked on the most common user problems. I have designed the software to be less bloated, more natural with just enough customisation abilities that the pricing can be competitive to ATS softwares in the market.

I have build this product end-to-end in 45 days including user reasearch. Below are a few snapshots of the features.

User stories

What problems was I trying to solve?

ATS softwares in the market are extremely bloated with one price fit all approach.


Build lesser number of features that are catered to small to medium size business’s. Powerful features that can shape the hiring process for these organisations

ATS software in the market do not allow customisation of career pages

ATS software in the market do not allow customisation of career pages


Provide customisation capabilities so that HR’s can build career pages that are truly customised to their company. Add less design complexity by providing templates


Empower your HR team and transform hiring with Reecroot

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Often job posts are not comprehensive enough and this has shown to shy away talents that you would want in your company. To avoid that situation, I divided up the complex task of adding a job into steps and created Add a Job section. Instead of relying on the HR's to put together the content, I have prompted questions whose answers will result in a good job description.

With the emergence of remote work, I added sections which will give good amount of information to the candidate on what the remote policies look like.

The Candidates section to see a list of all the candidates that is there in the pipeline right now. Also included are search features as well as dynamic filters to quickly get a list of candidates that the HR admin would want to see.

The All Jobs section is the list of all the jobs that is active or in the build phase.

Candidate Conversations was a feature that most users mentioned during the interviews. More often that not these conversations turned into a giant email thread that is hard to keep track of for the candidates. This especially becomes the case when they have to go back and see important pointers that were discussed.

Job Board is where the interaction between the candidate and company happens for the first time. All features included for this section was to enable a Reecroot user to customise the job board to the liking of the company brand. The UI was made simple enough for the recruiter to master. Instead of making all job boards look alike, Reecroot wants to breathe in some fresh air into these boards. Along with customisation features, templates are provided to easily build these landing page for jobs that can be connected to the existing career page domain of the company.

A template example of a Job Posting

Let's build something together?

"Hey there! I'm all ears for new projects! Let's have a chat about what you've got in mind. Shoot me your ideas!"

Let's build something together?

"Hey there! I'm all ears for new projects! Let's have a chat about what you've got in mind. Shoot me your ideas!"

Let's build something together?

"Hey there! I'm all ears for new projects! Let's have a chat about what you've got in mind. Shoot me your ideas!"