
Check-in app for Alumni events

Project overview

Alumni engagement events are organised gatherings or activities aimed at fostering connections and maintaining relationships with former students (alumni) of an educational institution or organisation.

These events are designed to provide opportunities for alumni to reconnect with each other, with current students, and with the institution itself. They often include networking sessions, panel discussions, guest lectures, social activities, and opportunities for mentorship or career development. The goal is to enhance alumni involvement, encourage continued support for the institution, and provide a platform for alumni to share their experiences and expertise with the broader community.

Check-in kiosk is a digital way to better manage the check-in process at these events.

Customer problems


Manual check-in processes: Manual check-in processes can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

Lack of real time attendance tracking: This proves to be tough to manage event logistics effectively

Difficulty in managing on-site registration: Administrators struggle to handle walk-in registrations efficiently, resulting in longer queues, delays, and potential frustration among attendees.

Limited Attendee Engagement Data: They face challenges in tracking session attendance, gathering feedback, or understanding attendee preferences, hindering their ability to tailor future events to meet participant needs.

Inefficient Badge Printing: Administrators may encounter difficulties in generating and distributing personalised badges or credentials, leading to delays and confusion during the event.

Inadequate Reporting and Analytics: Admins face challenges in assessing event success, understanding attendee demographics, or identifying areas for improvement in future events.

Manual check-in processes: Manual check-in processes can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

Lack of real time attendance tracking: This proves to be tough to manage event logistics effectively.

Difficulty in managing on-site registration: Administrators struggle to handle walk-in registrations efficiently, resulting in longer queues, delays, and potential frustration among attendees.

Limited Attendee Engagement Data: They face challenges in tracking session attendance, gathering feedback, or understanding attendee preferences, hindering their ability to tailor future events to meet participant needs.

Inefficient Badge Printing: Administrators may encounter difficulties in generating and distributing personalised badges or credentials, leading to delays and confusion during the event.

Inadequate Reporting and Analytics: Admins face challenges in assessing event success, understanding attendee demographics, or identifying areas for improvement in future events.


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